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For your personal invitation please contact LgMAR here, via LinkedIn, email or tel: +30 211 770 8711
Some very useful and practical advice from this article that was originally published at Harvard Business Review and apply to maritime email as well.
The average professional spends 28% of the work day reading and answering email, according to a McKinsey analysis. That averages to many hours spent on hundreds of messages received per day. Here are some best practices that will help you to get back unnecessarily lost time.
LgPList Marketplace Add-on
Telix now offers the ability to show additional vessel positions to enrich market information available to ship brokers using LgPList. Most brokers rely on their own incoming messages for vessel positions but this Telix add-on will provide additional positions from a Digital Shipping Marketplace even from messages you never received.
LgMAR and SHIPNEXT - a Digital Shipping Marketplace, have formed a partnership to provide TELiX users with an additional option which further improves LgMAR Shipbroking Suite with information over and above of those in their in house system. This brings the shipping and chartering world to a new dimension which majority of the companies were long looking for - digital interconnectivity.
The following technologies work in tandem to further empower shipbrokers which will, as has been proof-tested, become some much more efficient in managing their workflow:
Browsing our older messages since 1989 we found some interesting facts about the evolution and pricing of messaging and email for Shipping.
The cost for transmitting a telex message in 1990 was $8.81 (Network World Magazine, August 1990).
Telix dropped the cost of the same message to $0.60 (BIMCOM price list 1991).
The following years the cost further dropped to $0.17 (COMTEXT price list 1996).
By 1999 most of the maritime companies were using Telix and Internet to transmit messages without any cost.
Telix continues to lead the shipping messaging ever since.
Dear friends and associates,
We were informed about some email fraud attempts targeting specifically shipping companies and we would like to offer some practical advice below on how to avoid email fraud and phishing.
The specific frauds attempts originated from a look alike email address of a shipping agent, informing that money transfers should be made to a different bank account. Such frauds failed when recipients paid attention to the originating email address which was not correct but "look alike", and initiated a phone verification with the counter parties of the bank account change. Please always keep in mind that email communication is between at least two parties and even though you probably have made every effort to keep your messages confidential, the same cannot be said with certainty for the other parties involved in the communication loop.
What we suggest:
According to a recent global survey, 45 percent of internet users reported that
they avoided opening e-mails from unknown e-mail addresses.
Telix offers a powerful address book that will automatically recognize unknown senders. Address book quickies assist users to update with one or many email addresses at once. Telix inform users with:
1 Addressee is marked as Unknown
2 The round greyed question mark indicates an unknown sender
3 Recognized messages are tagged with the addressee short code in CAPITAL letters.
A great enhancement requested by Telix users. Documents add-on will allow to file, manage and use company and personal documents such as:
Company filing, vessel forms, checklists, reference and technical documents, phones, lists, catalogues, guides, contracts, charter party proformas or signed, MOA, clauses, specifications, photos, vessel plans, on site visits, crew lists and passports/certificates, templates, company applications, useful links, company news and updates.
With this new feature users are able to automate email tasks (i.e. filing/folders, alarms, follow me, flags, tag with words etc). Email rules may be set for incoming and/or outgoing message.
To set a rule from WT3 menu select: Tools | Rules:
Each user may set her/his own rules independently from other users. Your Telix administrator may set rules that affect all users (i.e. place a message to a department).
One more great usability enhancement requested by Telix users. Telix will sense and filter accordingly all duplicate incoming messages to save you valuable time.
Most users take advantage of the powerful Telix feature that allows to view more than one department and mailboxes seemingly, in one go. Nevertheless whenever senders sent the same email to more than one mailboxes you may end up with duplicate messages.
Telix will exclude such duplicate messages (i.e. sent to personal/operations/technical or sent to personal/chartering/info) and filter any unnecessary duplicates.
Auto exclude for duplicates may be turned on/off per user or company and allow to fine tune every case and need in your company.
We have been busy, listening to our user’s wish list and making the iTelix App even better!
You may upgrade the free application iTelix from iTunes or Google Play stores to enjoy the new features and enhancements.
What is new in the latest iTelix App: